What is Capacitar?
Capacitar is:
- A spirit of empowerment and solidarity
- A network connecting people on 5 continents
- An organization—Capacitar International with an office in California and an international team of trainers and multipliers
- Teams, coordinating groups and multipliers—in over 45 countries
- People who live with the Capacitar spirit multiplying the practices in their lives, work and communities.
The name “Capacitar” is a Spanish word meaning to empower, to awaken, to bring each other to life.
How Capacitar Works
- Responds to invitations based on needs identified by communities
- Collaborates with established groups and with other economic and social development effort
- Models alternative uses of power, as well as sensitivity to culture and traditions
- Develops programs collaboratively with local people recognizing that an idea conceived and born within a group has the energy to move that group
- Learns from local people’s experience in adapting practices to the needs and culture of their communities
- Trains and empowers people to be the popular educators and multipliers in their own communities
- Connects grassroots people through an international network of solidarity building relationships of cultural and personal understanding.