Capacitar Prayer
We join with the earth and with each other,
With our ancestors and all beings of the future
To bring new life to the land,
To recreate the human community,
To provide justice and peace,
To remember our children,
To remember who we are . . .
We join together as many
and diverse expressions
of one loving mystery, For the healing of the earth
And the renewal of all life.
—adapted from the UN Prayer of the Sabbath

Capacitar World View
We are people of Capacitar,
We are wisdom and creativity embodied,
A voice for cosmic energy unfolding.
We are community—discerning, empowering
and compassionate.
We are change, encouraging inner and outer healing,
Willing to be in the cauldron of transformation.
We recognize our wholeness and holiness
Opening to grow with peace, power and love.
We desire to heal and compassionately transform
our wounds into wisdom.
We are witness to the pain and injustice around us,
Committed companions in the struggle.
We celebrate equality and diversity, respecting differences.
We believe that giving is the act of receiving.
We heal ourselves to go forth to heal our world.
We believe that we are interconnected,
Part of ancestors and children to come,
Part of soil, earth and stars.